Terms of use

Tobios.store is an online store that offers food for sale. The licensor of this Website is the company with the name "KRIVEK SA", based in the Gouves Interchange, Heraklion, Crete, with TIN: 94460317, Tax Office: Heraklion, (hereinafter referred to as "tobios.store", "us" , "Us"). The following terms and conditions will apply to the use of the Company's website, which can be found at www.tobios.store.

The www.tobios.store is the electronic store store tobios.store for the purpose of information and sale of the products of the companies affiliated or representing in Greece. In any case the visitor/user of the www.tobios.store must comply with the following terms and conditions of use of the website and its content. Also, you need to be aware of the rights listed below, in matters of return, replacement, and cancellation of the order, because retroactive claim rights reason of ignorance is not accepted after the end of the time limits set out below. For the above reasons, please read carefully the following terms.

1 Amendment of terms of use

The tobios.store reserves the right to modify or update the terms of use of the website, its content, and the services of online sales, according to the needs of the company, its affiliates, and the changes in the legal framework of Greece which relates to commercial transactions. The tobios.store is obliged to inform users/customers of the changes when you have a pending transaction that began with the terms before any modification.

2 Product Information

The tobios.store is committed to the quality, completeness and validity of the information of the products displayed in the isotope www.tobios.store. As information about the products specified in the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the product, the pictures in their profiles imaging of the structure or function of the product, charts, statistics or other information, as well as the proposal to use the tobios.store derived on the basis of transparent criteria that provides for some products.

The information of the products collected from the sources of information of the companies - manufacturers of the tobios.store works, and the Greeks representatives - when it comes to imported products under license from a written or an oral or their representative in Greece. Such sources are Books Work (Work Book) that are provided by the companies. In the event of a incorrect or false information is derived from the sources of information the tobios.store does not bear any responsibility even if the problematic information cause any form of damage. In case of typographical errors, for any reason, the tobios.store accepts no liability for losses only to the obligation to accept the return of the product regardless of the terms set forth below in this text.

3 Intellectual property Rights

This website and the name are the intellectual property of the shop tobios.store and specifically of the owners of the business, and only these. The site and the content, as well as the product information, as set in the relevant paragraph in this text, it is under the regime of intellectual property rights, as has just been mentioned and protected by the relevant provisions of Greek and european law.

It is prohibited to copy, analog or digital, and with any through a machine or software. It is forbidden the redistribution and transport of the site or of the content and information of the products (as defined in the relevant paragraph) or in the form presented on this site www.tobios.store either in a modified form.

Especially for the case in which the information was collected or produced exclusively from the tobios.store, i.e. not from the sources of information (as defined in the relevant paragraph) the copyright of the presentation on the website are the exclusive intellectual property of the tobios.store. In all other cases, the unprocessed form of information from the tobios.store unfamiliar to the copyright of the manufacturers and their representatives. Therefore they shall designate, and the terms of use of the information of their products.

It is prohibited to use the website www.tobios.store as a means of promotion and presentation of the products it promotes, for commercial transactions by third parties when the transaction is not part of the store tobios.store. This prohibition is valid for the site in the original form of direct connection (direct link) or indirect (wraped link) or any other means of promotion or transfer, such as e-mail, social networks, news groups etc.l. Also, the specific prohibition of force both for the entire website and for individual lots of this as well as photos of the desktop of the user comprising the imaging section (or the whole) of the website.

4 Limitation of liability store

Shop tobios.store is not responsible for any damages that may arise from the execution or non-execution of the order by the client / user (except in the cases referred to in paragraph 9. "Withdrawal – Return-Replacement Products").

It also reserves the delivery time of the goods in cases of force majeure. The tobios.store no guarantee can be provided for the availability of the product, but it guarantees the timely update of the final consumers of their unavailability.

In any case, the store tobios.store is not liable for any legal claims or civil or criminal in nature, nor for any damage, financial or any other form of website visitors, from a cause that has nothing to do with the operation or not, the use of the website, the inability to provide services of information available to him, from any misinformation reason, malicious, unauthorized intervention of third parties in information products, information and services displayed through this web site. In addition, the store tobios.store does not bear any responsibility in case of cheating users / customers from third parties that use the exact or a similar imitation of the site with the aim of causing damage, economic or of any other nature.

5 Responsibility of use

The users of the site www.tobios.store accept that you will not use the e-shop for upload, post, send by e-mail or otherwise transmit, illegal content, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, libelous, vulgar, obscene, libelous, constitutes a violation of the privacy of a natural or legal person, he shows empathy, is racial, ethnic or other discrimination, it may cause damage of any kind to minors, is not entitled to be transmitted in accordance with the law, or contractual or business relationships, infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of a third party, contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, damage, destroy or equipment of the operation of any computer software or hardware, intentionally or unintentionally violates any applicable Greek and european legislation and the provisions thereof, may impede third parties in any way and any content used is used to collect or store personal data about other users

6 Trade

6.1 Availability and pricing

The products displayed in the www.tobios.store and in the list of tobios.store are available in the store, except in the case of a lack of availability from the manufacturer or the dealer. The products included in the website are only from companies that store tobios.store working steadily and no case-by-case or απέτησε of the product by the consumer. In this way, ensure the availability of the product and reliability of the company to the consumer who come to the store or advances in electronic market reason of a particular product. Reason of the nature of the product tobios.store for the convenience of consumers separates the products in the winter and the summer season. Therefore, the availability of the product force only for those who belong to the εκατοστέ period unless you are available in the warehouse from the immediately preceding period.

The tobios.store price its products on the basis of προτηνόμενες retail prices πόλησης of the manufacturer, or its representative, thus maintaining the objective value of the product, the reliability of the representative, the καυτασκευαστή and of the same store. In the event that the store tobios.store deems it appropriate that some products should be sold at a price offer, or in the status of a discount, then everything on the website www.tobios.store enter the original price of the product as invoiced first, and the continued value of the discount or the offer. In this way, it ensures to not to put the client in a confusion for the objective value of similar products available or not by the tobios.store regardless of the special offer or discount that you have given to sets at will.

The tobios.store is reserved for any mistakes in pricing, and accepts no responsibility legal in nature, and is not responsible for any damages or losses of reason of incorrect pricing. The only thing that is required is to rectify the mistake as soon as possible and update depending on the price or prices on the website

The tobios.store urges consumers to inform the store with e-mail, phone or Fax for errors that fall in the perception or for large differences in rates of www.tobios.store and other enterprises where appropriate, be due to billing errors.